Here’s hoping your year is off to a great and prosperous start! As you think about how to allocate your marketing budget this year, consider the immense ROI (return-on-investment) of a piece earned media coverage. [ Read More ]
media relations
Macron and Trump Go Hand in Hand: the Photos
This is an interesting photo essay in Quartz on Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump and the various ways they shook hands and otherwise patted each other during Macron's recent visit. The body language of each, literally, trying to get the "upper hand" and be the "leader" is fascinating. I wonder if they get taught that in "Presidential Training." No disrespect intended, it is simply a great example of nuance in communication. [ Read More ]
Ahhh, Sweet Media Coverage
There is a lot marketing I do for client companies and organizations in addition to public relations. That said, below is some of the media coverage I have negotiated for clients recently with strong strategy and execution. [ Read More ]
23 Ways to Maximize the ROI of Media Coverage
It has always been amusing to me how many small to mid-size companies want “really, really great” media coverage, only want to pay relatively little to get it, don’t want to work too hard at it and then have absolutely no idea how to maximize their return-on-investment (ROI) once they do get it. This blog is about the last one. I have been helping companies get great media coverage for many years and below I outline how to maximize the immense value of a positive piece of coverage. [ Read More ]