In my 25+year marketing communications career, I have worked with about 50 start-ups. Most have been in the technology industry and a few have been in the environmental sustainability and travel industries. There are a few things I always seem to have to emphasize at the outset and they are listed below. [ Read More ]
Marketing Communications
Your Life as a Museum
In this age of personalized media, I have often thought about the concept of each of our lives as a museum. What would yours look like? What rooms would it contain and what would be in each of those rooms? My rooms might be Exploration, Connection, Adventure, Laughter, Fun and Wisdom. It is an interesting and expansive exercise to define your life in collections like that. It also forces you to think about the things that really matter to you and all that you have done with your life. [ Read More ]
Ahhh, Sweet Media Coverage
There is a lot marketing I do for client companies and organizations in addition to public relations. That said, below is some of the media coverage I have negotiated for clients recently with strong strategy and execution. [ Read More ]
5 Irresistible Daily Newsletters
Some media outlets are doing an excellent job. Today I want to give a shout-out to some of my favorite free daily newsletters. These are the ones I look at regularly and find interesting, intelligent and compelling. Even when I am super busy, I can’t resist taking a quick look at them. [ Read More ]
23 Ways to Maximize the ROI of Media Coverage
It has always been amusing to me how many small to mid-size companies want “really, really great” media coverage, only want to pay relatively little to get it, don’t want to work too hard at it and then have absolutely no idea how to maximize their return-on-investment (ROI) once they do get it. This blog is about the last one. I have been helping companies get great media coverage for many years and below I outline how to maximize the immense value of a positive piece of coverage. [ Read More ]
The Beauty of Brevity in Blogs
Admit it, we all want to demonstrate how smart we are and will often keep talking as long as people listen. Likewise, many (most) blog posts drone on way too long. Some merit great length. Most do not. Someone already came up with the term “blogette” and it means a small blog. Try to keep your blog posts brief, simple and clear – at least the majority of them. And make your point early. Most importantly, make sure each post meets its objective/s. Your readers will feel enlightened by the new information and/or viewpoints you have imparted and they can quickly get on with their day. [ Read More ]
When Was the Last Time You Thought About Your Personal Brand?
Executives in companies (large or small) often forget to develop their Personal Brand. It is more important than ever to do this. Think about your Personal Brand Attributes as they relate to your Company Brand Attributes and put them down on paper. Then make sure they are reflected in everything you do, including your work, social media, clothes and demeanor. This doesn't have to be a lengthy or costly exercise, but take time to do it. It will pay-off well for you and your company. [ Read More ]